
I’ve been spending a bit of time with my daughter, helping her with her school project.  She had to create a monster that came out of the classroom. For my daughter, believe it or not, this was a “simple” project!  This is what she came up with…..a “pequino” (she had to make up a name of the creature) that eats the principal!

Running for President…

If I was running for president, these are some of the things that I would promise to change about America:


-Free healthcare for everyone

-Free or affordable education (including college) for all children

-Free or affordable daycare for all

-Affordable and easily accessible public transportation

-Access to books for every child

-Free bicycle for every one

-Make America bike friendly so that people can ride bikes to more places


-Oh, and of course, free cloth diapers for all babies!!!


Sew Baby Sew

Alright, so I just had to indulge myself and buy my little one this adorable sewing machine.  Thank goodness for Ebay!  She loves it.  She’s already making woolies better than me!  I better watch out!  I’ve created an adorable monster!  Now, I need to get back to sewing.

So Much to do…So Little Time…

I’ve got custom orders and more custom orders and regular auctions and not enough coffee in my coffee mug!

Quinn is already bugging me to start his Halloween costume!  We must get going on that this weekend.  He wants to be a robot and that may take awhile!!!  (I wonder if I can sew tin cans together on my machine!..maybe embroider something scary on each can!!)

My new mantra…

So, I am trying to be more positive in my life and more calm.  Trying to be less stressed.  So, while trolling about on the internet, I came upon this old English poster, which has quite an interesting history.  It has become my new mantra.  Now, I just have to order a copy of it to hang up in my work space!

Making woolies

Today I have been sewing a lot.  We are having our gutters replaced, so things are a bit noisy around here.  Luckily, my little one is actually napping through it all.  And because she is napping, I am having time to sew.

I’m a bit exhausted because my husband is away in NYC and little River hasn’t been sleeping through the night.  Being a single parent would be the toughest job in the world!  I don’t wish that upon anyone!

Cloth Diaper Information

On this website, eventually, I would like to have information about cloth diapers. Eventually, but things are happening slowly. But until then, I thought I would mention some of my favorite cloth diaper websites. They are:

I have bought diapers and supplies from both these sites. They are always incredibly helpful. If you email them a question, they are very quick to respond. Another favorite website is:

This is a used cloth diaper site. I have bought many used cloth diapers! This is a great place to sell and buy.

New Designs

I am adding many new designs to my woolies.  I draw many of my designs, but I also have started to purchase designs.  I have discovered a wonderful artist named Jodie.  Her website, is quite wonderful.  Her designs are so easy to work with and adorable!