Star Book Ornament….


Quinn wanted to make Christopher something unique for Christmas.  I looked online and found a really cool idea.  I found a website called Marlies’ Creative Universe.  Her site had great directions for making a mini star ornament..which we decided to make into a mini book star ornament.  Quinn thought of one of his favorite books that he and Christopher loved reading together.  We scanned the cover and the first 14 pages.  These we used for the “smaller” pages.  Each measured 2 inches high x 3 inches wide.  Then we chose green paper for the “larger” pages, which were 2 inches high and 5 inches wide.  And red for the”medium” size pages, which were 2 inches high and 4 inches wide.   We needed 7 of each of the different sized pages.  The website has great directions and templates.

Instead of making a plain cover, we scanned the cover and personalized the back cover.  The one thing I would do differently, when I make it again, is to make the cover one piece of paper, not two.

It turned out great and Quinn was so happy!  It took a long time and a lot of patience…but he did it almost completely himself…and he was so proud of it!  I think we will definitely be making this again….it would  make a great gift for any book lover.






Do you hear that?……….



The sound of silence….that is what I hear!  My two oldest children are back at school and the house seems so quiet!  It is just me and River and my oh my….were we busy……

Oh my goodness, I am now officially FINISHED putting all the Christmas decorations away!  I love getting them out…I really do….but once all the craziness is over..I just want it all away.  I run around like a mad person trying to get it all done. My children are very eager to get it out..but not so eager to help put it away!  Until next year…..


Christmas things…..


Well….another Christmas has come and gone….As I was putting away all the holiday things….it strikes me that some of my most cherished things…are the things that didn’t cost a lot of money.  For example, our Christmas tree star.  It was our first Christmas together, and Christopher and I got a small tree.  As we were decorating the tree, we realized we didn’t have anything to put on top of it.  I remembered that once, long ago, I had seen a star made from an old tin can.  We didn’t have a tin can…only an old soda can.  So, I cut a star from the soda can.  Every year, when we got the star out, I would say we should get a proper star…but Christopher always told me, no, this was a proper star.  And I guess, after all these years, I finally realize that he is right…it is a proper star and I wouldn’t have anything else for the top of our tree!

I got many wonderful presents this year….one of my favorites is a manger that my son gave to me.  He is incredibly creative.  He went into the workshop and took scraps of wood and, and using the scraps just as they were, he made me a manger.  I just love all the adorable people and animals!
