(Buzz and Woody by River February 22, 2010)
River seems to have reached a new level in her drawing skills. She no longer just scribbles on the page. She thinks about what she is going to draw and really plans it out…she loves to draw with a pencil. She insists that she erases “her mistakes”..though I constantly tell her they aren’t mistakes and her picture looks wonderful. After she is done drawing with the pencil, she wants to color everything in…
I wonder if part of her advances in drawing are due to having older siblings. They sit down with her and very patiently show her “how to draw….” They never criticize her drawings, she seems to have developed that herself. It is always fascinating to watch a child’s development through their drawings.
When Quinn is doing his homework, he lets her sit at his desk and draw. He is learning to be very patient with her.