Did I tell you that on Halloween we went trick or treating with a dog…..a dog named Duke. And that he wore a tuxedo….a tuxedo that I sewed him! I’ve never sewed a tuxedo before..let alone a bow tie and top hat!! It was a lot of fun to sew Duke his costume..but the fittings weren’t too fun….we had to make a few last minute alterations….like stuffing his hat with newspaper and shortening the jacket sleeves…..
When it came time for the actual trick or treating…Duke was great…he kept his hat on the whole time! The only thing was..he got more attention than my pink robot child!! People were pushing her out of the way to get a look at the adorable dog! One lady even said….”the pink robot is cute…but that dog is the cutest!” Even when Duke stayed down at the end of the driveway…near the sidewalk…people came out of their houses…just to see the dog! One guy even brought his dog out to meet Duke!! Other trick or treaters were running across the street to check out the “adorable” dog!!
I’m not sure if we are asking Duke to go with us again next year…..