River’s Room…

I was trying to take some good photos of River’s room for a contest…but typical me…I had the deadline of the contest wrong…so I missed the deadline and couldn’t enter the contest.  But that’s okay..I learned a lot about my camera and got some pretty good shots of River’s room.  I wanted to get some nice photos of the Go Dog Go murals…and just the overall feel of her room.

I also learned about taking photos for a design contest.  You look at the room and think you have everything set up perfectly…then you examine the photos and keep finding things wrong with the photo…..clock should be taken out of shot, stuffed animal not positioned correctly, comforter is crooked and doesn’t look perfect….lighting isn’t bright enough…I took tons and tons of photos and I still wasn’t completely satisfied!  I don’t think I could ever make the room as perfect looking as the magazines..I’d have to get rid of all the clutter!

I didn’t want the room to look too perfect..but I wanted it to look nice for the photos.  Also, River wanted to be in all the photos..but for this particular shoot, I didn’t want her in the photos..so that was a challenge in itself.

The room has a huge window in it…so that made it difficult to get the lighting just right..I wanted it bright..but I didn’t want the sun’s rays all over everything.

I could probably take a lot more and probably get some better shots…and learn even more…but I decided I needed to be satisfied with what I had….I do love to take photos of my children’s rooms…because they always seem to be changing…and it is fun to look back on how they used to look….especially since we are going to be putting a “big kids bed” in River’s room soon!

River keeps telling me that she wants her room painted a brighter pink…but I tell her she has to wait awhile..until she’s bigger….and then she can pick a new color for her room….I’m not ready to paint over the murals that I painted in her room..but I know one day she’ll be bigger and she will have tired of them….and then I’ll have to be ready to paint them over….but until then….

One thought on “River’s Room…”

  1. I don’t know why but I can’t get the comment form to pop up on your embrace the camera post but I wanted to tell you it made me tear up. It’s so sweet to have a photo taken with your daughter and dad. It made me miss my dad and wish he could have met his grandson! I just get so choked up on the dad/granddad love!

    And while I’m here this bedroom is magnificent! You are such a great and creative momma!

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